Student Spotlight: 正是由于尼利

正是由于尼利 SS正是由于尼利 is a freshman at Louisburg College studying 健康 Science.

Originally from Charlotte, North Carolina, Neely is Vice President of the Student Government Association and a member of the Student Ambassador Program at Louisburg. When she's not studying or socializing, she's always searching for a new hobby or interest and is the Vice President of Louisburg College's Student Government Association.

Neely's decision to come to Louisburg College was a bit difficult. 她 was unable to attend the college she wanted, and was a bit at odds with the idea of coming to Louisburg - a school in a town she'd never even heard of.

However, after speaking with her high's school counselor, meeting with Dr. 威瑟斯, Louisburg College's Dean of Enrollment, and being at Louisburg, Neely's satisfied with her choice.

"I'm really glad I decided to come here instead of going straight into a four year," 尼利说. "I think that my priorities would not have been in check at all and I wouldn't be as involved in school."

Neely, who admitted to having an Attention Deficit disorder which caused her to struggle with time and task management (as 好吧 as social involvement) in high school, loves the fact that teachers and staff at Louisburg are here to help.

"I came from a school where everything felt like it was on you to figure out and understand," 尼利说. "But here, especially academically, they really care you and your academics. You get support and help, the teachers are very one-on-one. 很高兴."

With Neely's ADD, she also finds it important that teachers are understanding and don't mind students asking questions or seeking extra help. 她 finds that having teachers that answer her question during class and even stay after or offer extra time to assist helps her better understand material. 

When asked for her favorite courses, Neely immediately said Joseph Lloyd's Quantitative Literacy, Ramona Fears' Psychology, and Caitlin Frederick's American History courses.

"Surprisingly, because I'm really bad at math, I loved Professor Lloyd's quantitative 读写能力. I started understanding things really 好吧, and he explains things 好吧 and helps you when you need it," 尼利说. "And psychology and history are really interesting courses to me and the teachers explain the concepts and topics really 好吧."

Outside of studying, Neely is also the Vice President for Louisburg College's Student Government Association (SGA). 

Neely thanks the SGA for allowing her to become more socially active on campus. 她 believes that SGA helped her to break out of her shell and reach out more.